I never imagined it was possible to meet so many extraordinary people at once! The level of social and technical competence was awe- striking. Both students, organizers and presenters made a deep impression, giving me knowledge I will remember for the rest of my life.
I had an uncountable number of valuable conversations, both one by one and in groups with up to ten different nationalities. The great diversity added a dimension to the discussions I have never experienced before! With different historical, religious and cultural backgrounds, we all had a different approach to problems. We discussed the immense comprehension of the global problems we are facing, from poverty to pollution and climate change. In the end, we actually found some unbelievably creative solutions! The challenge now is to take a new step, and make these solutions become reality. So, as we leared during EWB: bless naivety and make it happen!

The students I met are hard workers, intelligent, ambitious, talkative and genuinely interested in making change for a better world. It´s been fantastic to meet so many openminded people with similar interests! I have made new friends from all over the world. 131 nations were represented at the conference, and out of 1000 students I managed to talk with maybe 300. We are already friends on Facebook, where we will keep in touch so that change becomes reality! It´s a great privilege to have access to technology that allows us to stay in touch with people accross continents so easily.

I would like to thank Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan, the Higher Colleges of Technology and the organizers for hosting this outstanding event. Reaching out a hand to the world and bringing so many brilliant minds together from accross the globe is a fantastic initiative that can change the lives of thousands. It will definitely lead to innovative solutions to global challenges, just like targeted. I believe events like EWB can strengthen understanding and tolerence between nations and build bridges between religions. It inspires to working harder, reaching higher and pushing limits. But most of all, EWB has opened my eyes for the true value of comprehensive international communication and cooperation accross borders. I strongly recommend students worldwide to apply for EWB 2013, so you can experience the same!